The goal of the event is bringing together researchers at the intersection of differential geometry and higher structures and discuss interesting mathematics in an informal atmosphere.
Talks will be primarily by junior researchers. Speakers are encouraged to make talks accessible to a broader audience. Survey/ introductory talks to interesting topics are welcome.
External participants: Please note that this is an essentially zero-budget event, so please assure accommodation and transportation by yourself. Also, please keep in mind that during the event there is the "festival de Lumiere" in Lyon, which might attract tourists and make the hotel situation more complicated.
The event will be held in whatever the Covid rules will be in France (and the university of Lyon) in December. This might be "no rules", or "vaccination or test certification" or (improbably) lockdown and cancellation/ online-ization of the event. Hence it might be advisable to book your trips in "refundable" ways.
In case of questions please contact Leonid Ryvkin (
This event is supported by the GraNum project funded by the German academic exchange agency (DAAD) and Campus France, the Équipe PSPM and the ICJ at the university of Lyon 1.
Background image by Anna Marklova, website template by Start Bootstrap LLC.