Atelier on Higher Structures in Differential Geometry

31. October - 3. November 2023,
Institut Camille Jordan, Université Claude-Bernard Lyon 1


The goal of the event is bringing together researchers at the intersection of differential geometry and higher structures and discuss interesting mathematics in an informal atmosphere.

The poster of the event is available here.


The workshop will feature two minicourses:

  • Multisymplectic Geometry in Lagrangian Field Theory by Christian Blohmann (MPIM Bonn)
  • Symmetric n-fold vector bundles and [n]-manifolds by Madeleine Jotz (University of Würzburg)

The preliminary time-slots for the mini-courses are 10:00 - 11:45 and 14:00 - 15:45 on the Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. On Wednesday the university is closed, so this day is open for informal discussions and some social event will be organized depending on weather conditions.

  • We plan to have a Gong-show on Tuesday early evening, where you can present your research interests in a 5-minute blackboard talk. Contributions are very welcome!
  • We will also will be glad to display your poster in the conference room during the course of the conference. We encourage you to attach a little photo of yourself to the poster, so that people interested in it can easily find you in the crowd during the informal discussion times.


Registrations are open until 10.10.2023.

To register, please send an email to Leonid Ryvkin ( with the following information:

  • Name, Affiliation, Status (Phd student/ Postdoc / etc)
  • Dates of attendance (Relevant for booking of the university restaurant for lunch)
  • Would you like to participate in the Gong show / put up a poster?

I will confirm the registrations until we run out of room capacities.

Please note that this is an essentially zero-budget event, so please assure accommodation and transportation by yourself.


The event will take place in the room Fokko du Cloux in the first floor of the Braconnier building, 21 avenue Claude BERNARD in 69100 Lyon. It is reachable directly by Tram 1 or 4, the name of the station is Université Lyon 1. ( Map )

More Information and Contact

In case of questions please contact Leonid Ryvkin (

Background and poster image by Anna Marklova, website template by Start Bootstrap LLC.

This workshop is associated to the GdR GDM of the CNRS